Grav2dc questions & answers

It performs calculations of gravitational anomaly over 2D and 2.5D bodies
Question by Beelerh
October 20, 2021

Why is it that whenever I entered the field data the observed curve will be plotted but when I draw a body the calculated curve will not be plotted, it will only be the observed curve

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

It is possible that there may be an issue with the program or its settings. It is recommended to check the program's documentation or contact the developer for assistance in resolving the issue.

Question by Guest
July 26, 2021

Why is it that the software displayed range check error whenever i entered the field data

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

The software may display a range check error when entering the field data if the entered data exceeds the acceptable range defined by the program. This error is commonly displayed to indicate input that is out of bounds or incompatible with the software's requirements. Please ensure that the field data you enter falls within the specified range or meets the software's criteria.

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